While at Boston University, I was a member of the Image and Video Computing. My research involved analyzing the flight patterns of bats from infrared video. Using image processing, I looked into the flight paths of individual bats and the column depth and density of colonies while they emerged from their roosts at dusk.
This work was part of a multi-univeristy effort leading to a number of publications including:
{1} M. Betke, D. E. Hirsh, N. C. Makris, G. F. McCracken, M. Procopio, N. I. Hristov, S. Tang, A. Bagchi,
J. Reichard, J. Horn, S. Crampton, C. J. Cleveland, and T. H. Kunz. "Thermal Imaging Reveals Significantly
Smaller Brazilian Free-tailed Bat Colonies than Previously Estimated."
Journal of Mammalogy, 89(1):18-24,February 2008.
Also discussed in Nature, 452, Research Highlights, p. 507.
{2} N. I. Hristov, M. Betke, L. Premerlani, M. Procopio, and T. H. Kunz. "Thermal Imaging Reveals Highly Variable Nightly and Seasonal Activity Patterns of Brazilian Free-tailed Bats at Carlsbad Caverns." XIV International Bat Research Conference (IBRC) and the 37th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research (NASBR), Mérida, Mexico, 19-23 August 2007.